Sunday, 11 August 2013


i have a couple of friends to whom i talk about my love life. one of the topics often talked about is perfectionism. to this day i am still not sure if i should i really call myself a perfectionist. on one side, it is a trait which allows one to make something as good as it can be. on the other, this trait makes it almost impossible for one to find a significant other. always pondering on little details. thinking whether or not we are compatible of this or other reason . . . before i even really know a person. i am really good at judging/assessing people but not so good at compromising.
after some time one of these conversations usually end with my friends trying to pull me down to earth and introducing me to this interesting concept of compromise.
i probably mentioned some examples several times through previous entries. the most extreme being that i would not date a girl who smokes. i guess i do not have high tolerance for smokers. from my experience i would piss her off with my constant disapproval.
a more weird example, i guess, is a girl who loves to dance. although i have a high tolerance for people who love to dance. i do not dance myself. i find no joy in that. waltz is about the only thing that would get me moving like that. and it usually sounds stupid and trivial to me that i would bother myself with this thought, but i believe that a girl who loves to dance would prefer dancing with her boyfriend .
and this dancing topic gets me to the main message of this post.
tonight, as i usually do, before falling asleep i try to think if there is any future for me and my current crush and also in a case that there is, how do i proceed to create it. and this time it got me to thinking how many compromises my current crush would have to make if she got into relationship with me and it just made me more scared.
since i love making lists:

i don't dance
i don't enjoy clubs or really loud places where i can't talk with people
i don't enjoy getting drunk to no end
i prefer small_intimate gatherings
i like to judge people...seriously
i can be possessive
i am a geek and i love geeking out (whether it is related to movies_comics_games or mobile technologies)
i am shy (not in a "awww, how cute" kind of way) in a way that too often makes me look unmanly 
i am blind as a bat to flirting_implied messages (sometimes you just really need to be straight with me, otherwise you will not get anything from me)
i am an introvert but i enjoy socializing (you might need to give me a small nudge)
i know i was able to be something else than logical but i am not so sure anymore
i tend to overthink things
i do tend to think feminine like so i often look not super manly
to be updated


  1. Suprantu aš tave. Bet tikėtis, kad tarp tavęs ir kito žmogaus viskas derės kuo puikiausiai yra naivu. Žinau, dabar greičiausiai pagalvosi, kad tikrai nesi naivus ir aš klystu. Galbūt klystu. Iš savo patirties galiu pasakyti, kad net jei su kažkuo tave sieja bendri pomėgiai, požiūris į gyvenimą, visvien atsiras šūsnis dalykų, kuriuos nori, nenori teks toleruoti. Pasakiau, kaip Captain Obvious, be to, tu pats žinai šitus dalykus, bet kartais padeda, kai kasnors pakartoja tokią banalią, gerai žinomą tiesą. Tiesiog, kai bendrausi su žmogumi, su kuriuo savęs negali įsivaizduoti dėl smulkmenų, babandyk tęsti bendravimą dėl pramogos. Galbūt pasiseks ir pamatysi dalykų, dėl kurių sugebėsi tas smulkmenas toleruoti. Vėlgi, iš savos patirties sakau.

    1. tai puikiai suprantu, dėl to ir paminėjau įraše ir kompromisus ir žinau, kad jų teks imtis. Tiesiog tos idėjos vistiek galvoje kartais pasitaiko ir norėjau pažiūrėti iš kitos pusės tiesiog, pagalvoti kiek kitam žmogui teks susitaikyti būnant su manimi, gal tada pačiam lengviau bus suprasti kaip reikėtų pagaliau nusileisti ant žemės :)

    2. na, iš tavo sąrašo sprendžiant, nėra taip baisu :)

    3. na aišku nuo žmogaus priklauso, jei merginos sąraše būtų vienas iš kompromisų rūkymas, tai man likusios sąrašo dalys būtų visai neįdomios :)

  2. suprantu aš tą rūkymą, žinau, užknisa, bet taikstausi. Ką padarysi, dažnai ir manęs pasigaili, nerūko. Va ir kompromisas. Surasi savą žmogų. Ne tiek daug tų merginų rūko. O gal klystu. Galbūt kažkas neklydo sakydamas, kad gyvenu po akmeniu :) gerai, nejuokausiu ir neerzinsiu tavęs. Galiu pasakyti tik tiek, kad jau nesivyliau rasti artimą žmogų, bet ir tada klydau. Tai va, tik tu neprarask vilties.
