Thursday 17 February 2011


you know what is BULL ?
friends/best friends falling in love.
in my world, friends, stay friends, usually one side being hurt.
tho, friends fall in love with other people due to physical attraction..that usually takes like a week or two.
you see, friends are way too close, you don't think about being intimate with a friend because that doesn't make sense.

tho, I can tell you one thing that is amazing and beautiful about girl friends, I guess that also works with guy friends for girls..or not.
when you find a person who is easy to talk to and you share a lot in common and basically you just fit with each other...looks become nothing.
I mean it usually won't matter how she is dressed today, whether she's having a bad hair day, etc.
she always looks amazing.
when you realize that fact, it's a quite awesome feeling.

basically...I should finally learn to not attach to anyone so quickly.


  1. I should learn the same thing - to not attach to people so quickly. As it brings quite a lot of misery :]
    And, I think it is the same for us (girls) too, that after a while looks become nothing. You simply don't care about that. At least for me, it's the same.

  2. glad to hear that, that means I might just get through to someone due to my decent character ;D
