Friday 4 November 2011

Some things about girls and how Nathan Grey sees them

i've this one big problem.
often, when i look through some cute girl's pictures i am all like 'awww, she's so cute, i'd marr...' and then i see a photo of her with a cigarette. boom, instant turn-off, don't even want to look at her anymore.
i know it's kind of a stupid thing, since it's so popular to smoke right now.
it might even be more popular than it was around 5-7 years ago.
so yeah, it's stupid because the chances that i might find a girl who doesn't smoke and she's at least a moderate geek are very slim compared to the chances to meet that geeky girl if i tolerate smoking.
well tolerate isn't a good word....i don't really have anything against people who smoke, especially guys, it's just i would much rather prefer a non-smoking girlfriend to smoking one.
then again, i know there's a chance i might just end up with a smoking girlfriend in the end even with my 'tolerance' problems.

i feel like i talked about these things.

well the other thing isn't a problem at all, i just find it odd.
it has been difficult for me to feel happy about relationships and be hopeful about new ones for quite some time.
i've been tossed and played around quite a bit, not a big trust person at the moment.
...getting to the point, watching my friends find their soul a very pleasent feeling.
i feel happy for them, not just 'yay, my friend is happy now' kind of happy.
for a second i feel like my relationship problems are gone and just the fact that they are happy is enough for me to be happy.
i'm especially happy to see that my first ever ex (which was probably the only one i ever really cared about) is happy right now with another guy, it's very heart warming.


  1. O, žiūrėk, prieš metus parašei šį postą. Bet va mažai kas supranta, kad galima būti laimingu už kitus, džiaugtis už juos ir kartu su jais. Labai faina rasti bendraminčių :}

    1. Pačiam visad keista, jog taip mane sušildo tokie dalykai Oo
